Snow and ice removal contractors are in high demand during the wintery months. As a contractor, you are up at all hours of the day, plowing, and salting roads and parking lots. Your job is extremely important to keep our economy running. Without snow removal companies, we wouldn't be able to get to our jobs and live our lives for, at the very least, 5 months out of the year. With some of the harshest winters in the last few years, rock salt is used by the ton. Last year there was even a shortage of rock salt and many companies found themselves out of salt and nowhere to find any, with the winter still raging on !
A new liquid solution just hit the market that will save snow removal companies, cities, counties and municipalities thousands of dollars in salt costs, and is less harmful to the environment. Salt Saver is a unique solution that is used as a rock salt stockpile treatment. It will make the standard rock salt much more effective, significantly reducing the amount of salt required to effectively de-ice your location. It makes the salt work faster, longer, and to colder temperatures. You use less salt, saving you money, and reducing the harmful effects on the environment.
By applying a small amount of Salt Saver liquid, only 7 gallons per ton of salt, you will be able to spread up to 50% less salt, cutting your salt expense in half. Depending on how big of an operation it is, this can add up to thousands of dollars ! Salt Saver can also be added to salt in tailgate spreaders and effectively hand-mixed in seconds. With a small 23 oz application, it can even be added and mixed in with general consumer sized 50 lb bags of rock salt.
Available exclusively at - Save salt, save money, and help save the environment.