Friday, January 29, 2010

Ice Dam Blaster - popular product at large quantity discount, with Free Shipping

After many requests for larger quantities of the popular Ice Dam Blasters, they are now offered at discounted pricing, and Free Shipping, in the United States. Quantities of 4 cases, 6, 8, or a full pallet of 16 cases can be ordered at a discount. There are 15 Ice Dam Blasters per case. For large buildings or contractors that have many buildings to take care of these are a great way to save money on damages and can be ordered easily online or at fine hardware stores, and home landscaping stores.

The Ice Dam Blaster is a specialized sleeve of deicer that can be safely placed above and near the area where ice dams form. Ice dams create havoc when ice forms on the roof above the eves and water backs up behind it seeping into the interior of the building through cracks and crevices. The non-corrosive, biodegradable deicer contains NO CHLORIDES, like some others. It is environmentally safe, and works to under-cut the ice giving a place for the water to drain, thus preventing water from backing up and causing damage. The Ice Dam Blaster then has time release action preventing a future dam from building up.

Monday, January 25, 2010

Green Earth Ice Melter - higher performance, lower cost

An eco-friendly ice melting product, Green Earth Ice Melter, from Icex is the best performing deicer we have found, at a reasonable price.

Testing has shown that compared with standard rock salt, and the popular alternative calcium chloride, Green Earth Ice Melter out-performs.

Compare with calcium chloride, and magnesium chloride - at a much lower cost. Each crystal granule of ice melter is blended with a liquid de-icer, which gives Green Earth Ice Melter superior performance. A unique blend using the latest technology in anti-corrosion gives this de-icer increased corrosion protection to equipment, and reduced environmental impact. Green Earth Ice Melter also has less bounce and scatter when applying which reduces application rates, resulting in fewer chlorides being released in the surrounding earth.

An environmentally friendly ice melter that is also affordable.

At only around $17 per 50 lb bag, you can reduce your salt usage by up to 50%.

Extremely cost-effective, high-performance de-icer
  • Safer roads and sidewalks
  • Low toxicity (LD50)
  • Less damage to concrete and vegetation
  • Quickly penetrates and dissolves snow and ice
  • Green color makes spreading the material easily visible
  • Non-staining to concrete, asphalt, and shoes when used properly
  • Non-tracking
  • A unique blend uses the latest anti-corrosion technology

Green Earth Ice Melter is a brand new product available a fine hardware and landscaping stores, or online and Try some today and compare for yourself.